The beauty of Slow Bar, lays on the Barista

Tantya Ani
3 min readOct 9, 2023


In the heart of the bustling industry area in Semarang, exists a hidden gem called the Panna Coffee. But what makes this place truly special isn’t just its meticulously crafted coffee; it’s the captivating interaction that takes place within its cozy confines. A charming coffee joint run by a delightful couple who had transformed their roastery into one of the finest slow bar coffee experiences I had ever encountered.

This wasn’t my first rendezvous with the world of slow bar coffee, but the encounter at Panna was unlike any other. What unfolded before my eyes was a beautiful revelation of the essence of the human connection, where complete strangers come together, united by a shared passion for coffee. Even if you’re not a coffee enthusiast, the experience is still magical. It’s a place where you can meet people who discuss their favorite brews with boundless enthusiasm, and in doing so, they invite you into their world. Panna was a stellar example of such a place, an oasis that effortlessly connected people from diverse backgrounds.

The barista (or Server, idk what its called) at Panna played a pivotal role in this enchanting experience. He was more than just skilled coffee makers; He was informative, talkative, and genuinely nice!

Their enthusiasm for coffee was infectious that I felt I joined a closed seminar about coffee at my neighborhood, and I couldn’t help but get swept up in the aroma and the stories that accompanied each cup. As I chatted with them about the origins of the beans and the art of brewing, I found myself savoring four cups of coffee and, by the end, couldn’t resist taking home a bag of 200 grams of their finest beans.

Like I said, this was not the first time I tried Slow bar, there’s one in Jogja that I like so much, called TDSH. Stepping in, it’s like I’m entering my friend’s living room. Other places that left a quite remarks on my heart is, a coffee shop at Pejaten, South Jakarta. Both places offer different kind of vibes yet propose the same thing, united by a shared passion. There, our stories are as distinctive as the coffee we savored, and each has its own beauty we cannot ignore, regardless of what views you held or how caffeine is truly not your favorite elixir.

In the grand scheme of things, the concept of being complete strangers can be misleading. Ever heard of the six degrees of separation? It suggests that we are all connected by just six people, no matter how far apart we may seem. Today is living proof of this intriguing idea, for it effortlessly demonstrates that we can connect with anyone, anywhere. I ended up have 4 acquaintances with people from Depok, North Jakarta, Jogja, and Semarang itself.

As I left Panna, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee lingered in the air, but what lingered in my heart was the memory of a place that transcended the barriers of being strangers. In the world of the Slow Bar, interactions were the true currency, and over a cup of coffee, we discovered that we were never really strangers at all.

