Insights from a Visit to One of Indonesia’s Largest Fintech Companies

Tantya Ani
2 min readJun 19, 2024

Last week, I had the opportunity to visit one of the biggest fintech companies in Indonesia. The highlight of my visit was reconnecting with the CTO, who happens to be an alumnus of my alma mater. This connection made our discussion all the more engaging. Here are some key takeaways from our conversation.

  1. Don’t Give Up — It Will Work Out

With a background in engineering, I was surprised to learn about his significant shift into the tech industry. He explained that this transition wasn’t as drastic as it seemed because engineering skills are highly versatile and can fit into various domains. His passion for coding and software engineering laid the foundation for his current role as CTO. His journey is nothing short of remarkable. After spending several years at Microsoft, he ventured into the startup world. Although his first startup failed, he persisted and eventually succeeded with another, which was acquired by a wealthy Indonesian entrepreneur. These experiences have given him a wealth of knowledge and insight into the tech industry.

2. Opportunity or Threat?

During our conversation, a pressing question arose

“Do you think software engineering will be replaced by AI?” Given the current buzz around AI, this concern is understandable. His response was both insightful and reassuring.

“AI could never replace engineers, but engineers who do not want to use AI will be replaced.”

He emphasized the importance of adapting to current technologies rather than viewing them as threats. Embracing new technology is crucial for staying relevant.

He further explained,

“Eventually, AI will eliminate those who don’t have imagination, skills, or passion. Those who rely solely on textbooks will eventually be replaced.”

3. Work-Life Balanced.

That’s right, Gen-Z. Achieving work-life balance isn’t just a concept — it’s a reality that can pay off in the long run.

The key is to put in the hard work, especially early in your career, and be patient. After 30 years of dedication, the CTO has finally found a balance between his professional responsibilities and personal interests. He is not only thriving in his career but also actively engaging in his hobbies. Impressively, he now competes in L-Men competitions, showcasing his dedication to fitness and personal development.

This visit and our conversation have reinforced my belief that adaptability and a willingness to embrace new technologies are essential for success in any field. The tech industry, in particular, is ever-evolving, and those who thrive are the ones who see opportunities where others see threats.

