Dear 2020, WTH?

Tantya Ani
3 min readAug 27, 2023


*I just found this draft and I found my writing is quite good, so allow me to post it.

For those who have been sleeping, lazy-ing, and stressing about it, you are not alone.

Humans are a supposedly social creatures who couldn't stand to be caged with no real connection towards others. Yet, 2020 proves us otherwise, it shows us how capable we are in this frustrating era. Perhaps, it’s our other capabilities to adapt which finally could put us at slight ease during this pandemic. And yes, I miss laughing at stupid matters with my friends, missing the human touch, I even miss the smell of coffee mixed with tobacco in the nearby cafe. How could 2020 manage to give us a huge surprise in each and every month up until we wouldn’t be so shocked if tomorrow Dinosaur is back alive?

But, thanks to these past four months where I could get time to find the silver lining behind all this chaotic experience. Aside from being frugal, please allows me to mention it instead.

  1. It’s time to be the ‘Rabbit’

I believe at least there’s once in our lifetime where we ever heard The Tale of Rabbit and Turtle. Yes, yes that very tale which had been our bedtime stories, a tale of how the turtle beats a rabbit.
Logic-wise? it wasn’t logical at all, However; I feel like the situation is suitable for this year's condition. Perhaps this is the very best time for us to be the Rabbit. To take a little nap, to take our time and think of what we have done, of what we could be done, and of what will we be doing. I wasn’t saying that we should be the Rabbit who ‘underestimates’ the Turtle speed’s since this was not a race, this is life. Sometimes being just alive is enough.
But maybe, being a Rabbit is not that bad when we know we only ran on the endless loop with no exit gate found.

2. Changing is okay

Winston Churchill once said, “He who failed to plan is planning to fail”. A very simple but poignant statement. Isn’t it is a part of our job as a human to plan out our life. But these past few years have redefined everything about life, instead of how we planned the years, the years planned it for us. I know many friends who failed to achieve their long-awaited dreams just because this year doesn’t have the word “according to your plan” in His dictionary.

3. The world is sick of us

It’s as if the universe is saying they are tired of us and taking matters into their own hands. If we, human didn’t do things to stop corrupting the world, it’s time for them to show us what they can be.

The International Energy Agency reports that global vehicle traffic volume decreased globally on average by roughly 50% from 2019 to 2020.

Within a short period of time, metropolitan areas saw significant drops in a variety of pollutants linked to internal combustion engines.

Although our youth is robbed by time, and we cannot feel the thrill of being young, reckless, and fun. One time we were 20 next thing we knew we already 22. 2 years of staying at home, surely it shaped something new inside us. A new demon, perhaps.

We do not know what 2020 left us, a trauma, a new story, a new us? new relationship? new point of view?

perhaps it’s time for us to be a cocoon and born to be a butterfly.

Not everything about 2020 is bad and traumatizing. Surely, it is a story to tell and once a lifetime experience (Please God, I do not want another pandemic). Let the mighty time works on its own and reveal it when the times comes, what 2020 really meaning for us and the world.

Maybe we will know what 2020 really taught us 15 years later, 30 years, or 3 months later.

