Chapter 4: Strong in Unity

Tantya Ani
4 min readMay 30, 2024


looking for my people at a strange land.

Ever since the beginning of humanity, in the era of the Stone Age, individuals have sought solace and strength in the company of others. The very fabric of human existence was woven through the threads of community. In the embrace of others, we found protection, shared resources, and the comfort of companionship.

In the ancient world, the polis of Greece stood as a testament to civic unity and democratic ideals, while the Roman Empire exemplified order and discipline.

The Middle Ages saw the rise of feudalism, where loyalty to one’s lord and neighbor forged bonds of mutual reliance.

The Renaissance reignited a passion for knowledge and artistic collaboration, birthing communities of intellect and creativity. The Enlightenment further transformed society, as individuals united under the banners of reason and progress.

In each era, these communities — whether tribes, city-states, kingdoms, or intellectual societies — have reflected the philosophies and necessities of their times. They provided not just physical security but also a sense of identity and purpose.

The Industrial Revolution brought about urbanization, leading to the formation of bustling city communities, where people sought opportunities and a better life, albeit amidst the challenges of a rapidly changing world.

After a year of moving, I finally have found a sanctuary — a place where I feel at home, a community that is uniquely my own.

In this mad, chaotic modern world, where the pace of life often feels overwhelming and alienating, I am glad that I found them.

Boxing Camp

Sports have always been the bedrock of my life, and within this camp, I have discovered kindred spirits who share my thirst for adrenaline and physical challenge.

The camaraderie we share, the sweat and perseverance, binds us together in a way that transcends mere training; it becomes a shared journey of growth and resilience.

Through every drip of sweats, blood, and laughter we shared, I am able to find peace that this city was indeed heterogeny for myself. Yet, deep down, once we know our core, once we shared the same goal (and a bit of pain) all of these differences are melting down.

Street Vendor on the Neighborhood.

Who would have thought sipping a cup of hot Wedang Jahe can be taste so different when the vendor saying Monggo then Silahkan, Teh. Who would have thought, being called by the street vendor after I come down from the public transport “Mangan sek mbak e” or “‘Tas mulih ta Mbak?” can be felt like I am in Surabaya all over again.

Hearing the familiar cadence of my native Javanese language amidst the market chatter brings me a sense of belonging. It is a comforting reminder that no matter where I am, there are pieces of my heritage and culture that I carry with me, making me feel a little less like an Englishman in New York. This linguistic bond is a thread that ties me to my roots, grounding me in a world that can often feel disorienting.

Almamater Gathering.

Lastly, reconnecting with my alma mater through alumni gatherings has been a profound experience. These reunions are more than just social events; they are a bridge to my past, reminding me of the formative years spent in the pursuit of engineering. Engaging with former classmates and fellow graduates keeps me connected to the ever-evolving world of technology and innovation. It is a community that has not only shaped my professional life but has also become a second family, providing support, inspiration, and a continuous link to the good old days of learning and discovery.

Through this, I am able to keep up and fed my curiousity about what happen in world right now? Cause in my work, I didn’t get much chance to pursue my passion towards engineering and innovation. I wouldnt know how amazing it taste to sit down, share cup of coffee with people whose are twice my age could be fascinating. Listeing on how they used work, how they climb the corporate ladder, how the most complex thing about drilling in oil and gas industry work. Or as simple as a story of how they build their families when they had to be miles away, floating on the ocean in the middle of nowhere. If it were not for them, I wouldn’t spend my nights looking youtube on how CCS work.

Lastly, in this mad, chaotic modern world, where the pace of life often feels overwhelming and alienating, I have found a sanctuary — a place where I feel at home, a community that is uniquely my own. They are sanctuaries in the midst of life’s chaos, where I can find strength, comfort, and inspiration. Through them, I am reminded that no matter how the world changes, the timeless essence of community remains a vital force in our lives, a beacon guiding us through the labyrinth of existence.

